Sunday, November 13, 2011

Painting of the month - 'Beautiful Collision'

'Beautiful Collision' Oil on canvas 1050 x 1900 mm. One of my works to be included in the forthcoming solo exhibition at the Tableland Regional Gallery in January 2012.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Now in fourteen countries.

'UNIVERSAL ENERGY' 1050 x 1900 mm. This work recently sold to a private collector in Bangladesh.
I am thrilled to say that this takes the tally to fourteen countries in which Ken Bonner paintings are now held.

Update - The total just went to 15. 'Western Jewel' is on its way to Northern Ireland.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Now showing at the Gallery Beneath - Mooloolaba.

'Return Flight'

Ibis on their way to roost after another perfect day on the Sunshine Coast.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

'Universal Eclipse' On exhibition in New York

'Universal Eclipse' is part of the Broadway Gallery, NYC exhibition titled, 'Home and Abroad'.

The painting presented itself to me as a result of discussions and information about the Mayan calendars' critical date of 21st December 2012, when according to myth the end of the world as we know it is predicted to occur and a new world begins.

The work, portrays' a burst and celebration of colour and signifies' hope, new beginnings and the distribution of life's energy force throughout the universe.

'Universal Eclipse' is highly original and is a creation which evolved during many layers of application, incorporating vibrant colour, whilst pursuing the infusion of movement, life, freedom and positive energy.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Painting of the month.


Inspired by seeing the many Egrets and Heron's going about their daily persuit here on the Sunshine coast , where forest and wetlands are in abundance.

Oil on canvas. 1050 x 1900 mm.

SOLD after just 5 days on display at the Mainstreet Gallery in Montville S.E.QLD